Moldova Noua’s culture bears the imprint of the special conditions of this area. In its becoming, it is the result of the interaction of traditions and customs practiced by a heterogeneous population who worked and continue to work here. Since the founding of the village until now, in these teritories have lived together Austrians, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians and Romanians from Oraviţa and Almăjului Valley. Later, after the Great Union of 1918, and in particular after the establishment of the socialist system, Romanians from other areas of the country came to work in mining. The culture of these places was marked by specific traditions belonging to each ethnic segment of the population, each combining the features of a multiethnic culture. In the years of socialism there has been a regression concerning cultural events, customs and traditions.
Cultural pluralism is sustained by cultural institutions that operate in Moldova Noua, by the existing ethnic communities, by local culture promoters and by the historical monuments representative for Moldova Noua city.
Cultural infrastructure is represented by:
– 3 libraries, one of which public;
City libraries are described below:
- The town library, based in Moldova Noua, functioned until 2000 with two sections (Moldova Veche and Macesti) – 50,000 volumes, 1500 readers / year
- The school library operates within the Moldova Noua Industrial School Group – over 8000 volumes, serves students
- The local organization of the Serbs Union has a Library in Moldova Veche, established in 2006 – about 3000 volumes belonging to the Serbian literature, serves only union members.
– A House of Culture;
– Moldova Veche’s Cultural Center;
– Moldova Noua’s A Cultural Home;
– Macesti Cultural Center;
Cultural centers belonging to the Culture House Moldova Noua are functioning in three townships: Moldova Veche, Macesti and and Moldoviţa, used by residents at local traditional festivals.
Cultural centers in Moldova Veche and Macesti, predominantly Serb municipalities, facilitate the promotion of Serbian culture, and one major event is held every year in Moldova Veche: Golden Cauldron, event having reached the seventh edition.
The House of Culture in Moldova Noua has a rich program of cultural activities of which:
- 1 and 8 March celebrations
- The Danube Day
- Fasang or Masks Carnival
- June 1 st, children’s Day
- The “Golden Cauldron” festival in Moldova Veche
- “Ruga – the Town’s Day”
- The event “Days of Culture” in Moldova Noua
- December 1 st – the National Day of Romania
- Christmas
- Christmas Concert
- the New Year’s celebration
You can follow the House of Culture’s activity on their Facebook page:
The local authorities are currently trying to rediscover and revigorate local culture, regardless of its kind: music, dance, costumes, literature, painting, photography, etc.
City Museum functioned until 1998, the year when all the pieces were donated to the museum in Resita, Caras-Severin County.
In the area you can visit 3 particular expositions/museums:
1. “Cesky Dum” or the “Czech House” in Garnic locality, the first “museum” of the Czech community in Romania, is a house specific to the Czechs established in Banat at the beginning of the 19th century, arranged in a rustic style, with dependencies, annexes and garden. You can visit on request, announcing the visit beforehand.
2. The village museum “Ion Dragomir” in Gornea, Sichevița commune, an ethnographic and archaeological museum of great cultural and historical value highlighting the continuity in these regions.
3.”Dedina soba” or “the Chamber of grandfather” of Radimna, Pojejena commune, an outstanding ethnographic exhibition, which can be visited on request.
– Churches, religious monuments:
1. Church Moldova Noua
2. Pentecostal Moldova Veche
3. Orthodox Church of Moldova Veche
4. Church Moldoviţa
5. New Town Orthodox Chapel
6. Catholic Church Moldova Noua
7. Baptist Church Moldova Noua
8. Moldova Veche Baptist Church
9. Baptist Church Moldoviţa
– Historic monuments Moldova Noua – 2004 updated list:
1. The archaeological site at Moldova Noua, city point “Sălişte”
2. The “Sălişte” settlement from Moldova Noua, early medieval era
3. The old graveyard “Sălişte” from Moldova Noua “Sălişte” II – III cent., Roman Age
4. The Roman mining settlement from Moldova Noua “Ogasul BAIES”, II – III cent., Roman Age
5. The “Ostrovul Decebal” settlement from Moldova Noua, Medieval Age
6. Location town Moldova Noua “Ostrovul Decebal” Dacian
7. “Ostrovul Decebal” settlement, Hallstatt
8. “Ostrovul Decebal” settlement, Latčne
9. “Ostrovul Decebal” settlement, Bronze Age
10. “Ostrovul Decebal” settlement, Bronze Age
11. “Ostrovul Decebal” settlement, Eneolitic
12. Archaeological site Moldova Noua, city point “Ostrovul Decebal”, Medieval Age
13. Archaeological site Moldova Noua, city point “Rat” Neolithic “Rat”
14. Moldova Noua “Rat” settlement, Neolithic
15. Moldova Noua “Rat” settlement, sec. VII – VIII, Migration Period
16. Archaeological site Moldova Noua, “Vinograd – Vlaskikraj” site, Moldova Noua “Vinograd – Vlaskikraj”
17. Moldova Noua “Vinograd – Vlaskikraj” settlement, sec. IX – X, Early Medieval Period
18. Moldova Noua “Vinograd – Vlaskikraj” settlement, sec. III – IV, Late Roman Period
19. Prehistoric cave, Moldova Noua “Great Valley”, Prehistory.
House of Culture Moldova Nouă

The monument honouring World War I heroes, erected in 1935
The monument honouring World War II heroes
The cemetery of the national heroes of Moldova Nouă

Cesky Dum
Ion Dragomir Museum
Dedina Soba

The Map of the Archaeological Findings on the Danube Riverbanks

The Adormirea Maicii Domnului Orthodox Church in Moldova Veche
The Serbian Orthodox Church in Moldova Veche
The Sfântul Mare Mucenic Gheorghe Orthodox Church in Moldova Nouă
The Catholic Church in Moldova Nouă

Fasang/ Masks Festival
The Fasanc/Farsangs holiday (the origin of the name is most likely German and signifies mask or carnival) precedes the fasting of the Easter holiday and begins on the first Sunday after the Mardi Grass with the children’s fașanc. The next two days are assigned to the wedding and respectivelly the funeral. The symbolism of the event is a complex one. Through satire, irony and masks, we can highlight the negative aspects of life seen with humor, but also the begining of a new year, hopefully a better one (the symbolic burial is of the year just passed, with all the evils and the wedding is the start of a new one). This traditional outdoor show is interactive, offering the chance of physic and soul symbolic cleansing by touching participants with a twig. The event is followed by a ball, obviously masked.

The Easter Ball
Every year, on Easter days, a ball is organized with the support of the City Hall and the local Council of Moldova Nouă, in which the entire community participates. It celebrates with dance and popular music, with participants dressed in traditional costumes.

1 st of July, Children's Day
The International day of the Child is celebrated every year on June 1st.
The Moldova Nouă Culture House, with the support of the City Hall and the local Council, dedicates this day to children through cultural, sporting and artistic events, performances, workshops, surprises and gifts of all kinds.

Danube Day
Every year, on 29 th of June, we celebrate Danube Day through exhibitions, sporting activities, green river actions and promotion of its importance for the riparian localities.

The Golden Cauldron
The golden Cauldron is a complex cultural-sports and gastronomic event, held annually in early August since 2001. Carried out at the initiative of the Union of Serbs in Romania, Moldova old branch, with the support of the City Hall and the local Council, is an international contest, as there are teams from Serbia among the participants.
The day starts with fishing and sporting competitions. Participating teams then give free play to mastery and prepare the most tasty fish soup after secret recipes, hoping to get the trophy. The day ends with folk dance performances, especially Serbian folk performances from different areas, with music, good mood, tasting of the soups, assigned prizes and fireworks.

Town's Day
Each city has a protector Saint. Saint Mary is Moldova Nouă’s , for which every year, in mid-August, it celebrates for a few days with folk dance and music, sports competitions but also with performances by national artists or even artists from Serbia. The Danube’s shores are filled with food stalls. There is even an area reserved for the amusement park and a market with stalls that sell most varied products. It all ends with a sensational fireworks show over the Danube.

Film Festival on the Danube River Banks
The International Film Festival is a relatively recent event, which debuted in 2018 at the initiative of the Moldova Nouă Culture House, but has since its first edition managed to capture public attention. Film screenings for all tastes and age categories delight the viewers for a week every evening outdoors, on the Danube shores.

Culture days
For a few days, usually in October, Moldova Nouă, through the House of Culture and with the support of the City Hall and the local Council, enjoys cultural events: from shows, to film screenings, concerts, exhibitions or book releases. The event is a consecrated one, and it already enjoys over 40 successful editions.

Winter Holidays
Every year winter holidays are an opportunity for joy and carol concerts of the most varied, performed by groups of all ages. The month of gifts is also the time when new events such as “Christmas in the house of national minorities” (with the aim of promoting Community traditions and customs and promoting socialization, but also knowledge and sharing of cultural-traditional values), creative workshops or exhibitions. The beginning of the year brings to the fore the Christmas celebrated on the ancient river by the Serb Community, which retains ancient special rituals.